DAI accademic year 2017-2018 - research
June 2018 - DAI COOP Summit, Cirquits and Currents, Athens
Research, performance and student-led General Assembly n.1.
Collective scripted outcome of the one year COOP Academy project

Performers, students: Anna Bitkina, Matthieu Blond, Stephan Blumenschein, Luca Carboni, Sara Cattin, Samantha Mc Culloch, Dina Mohamed and Nina Støttrup Larsen.
Tutors: Rachel O’Reilly, Katya Sander, Tirdad Zolghadr.
Dramaturgy: Gigi Argyropoulou, Hypatia Vourloumis.
REALTY had been one-year long research addressing the role of Contemporary Art in recent processes of gentrification, with focus on the Netherlands and Athens. Art institutions, artists’ individual practices, but also Contemporary Art in itself influence processes of gentrification to a large extent. We’ve put in question our own education, the DAI, which since 2017 adopted a “roaming” structure, renouncing to a fixed location and connection to Land in order to move throughout Europe.
The outcome is both didactic and propositional. We played a scripted drama in which each character is a concept: Contemporary Art, the artist Florida Jones, the Real Estate Agent, the Locality and the Brick. The story starts with the disappearance of some student’s bodies, which didn’t really disappear, but rather became blurry, no one can be with them in the same place at the same time anymore.
After the play, we improvised the first DAI’s student body “general assembly”: a space
for discussion open to everyone within the DAI, where everyone can speak his own mind, during which we opened a conversation about the concept of roaming, the importance of our bodily presence, our aims and intentions within the places we land on.
Since then, DAI students planned and lead General Assemblies evry month for at least one year.

Extract from the script: