Losing something important is inevitable, but is it simply bad luck? A misfortune can become a change in perception. A loss can turn into a persistent memory and love stories change to ghost stories. Fuck Karma observes the unfulfilled, the destroyed, the misplaced and painful things that surround us all.

l’Oro degli Idioti
the fool’s gold2016 - group exhibition Here, Cavallerizza Irreale, Turin, IT
3 days performance, collaboration with Kim Forni.
Gratta e Vinci tickets, gold leave, half gram of gold, plexiglass, led lights, leather, wrapping cloth.
The work is a critique of the western way of thinking about karma, an empty believe that leaves us at the mercy of fate. We follow the fate waiting to encounter Lady Luck, the goddess wearing a bandage on her eyes.
The fortune tickets “Gratta e Vinci” had been picked from the street, mainly along rural roads in the countryside.
Obviously, the tickets had already been used and are all loosing ones but their back side is covered with golden leaf, each of them hiding a phone number of a different person.
The ritual of scratching off the golden leaf from the tickets is accompanied by half a gram of pure fluvial gold we went searching for on the Ticino river, with the guidance of a professional gold digger.
Tickets are given for the price of two euros while we tell the gamers “Do you wanna play luck? Everyone winns!”.

The Lost Fortunes
2016 - Laboratorio Artistico Pietra, Turin, IT.
An evening with sculptures, fortune tickets and storytelling. Collaboration with André Chapatte and Kim Forni.

The hot piece of coal, performance (40min), music, lyrics and book, paintings (3, 1x5m), by André Chapatte.
My Stolen Bike Got Stolen

My stolen bike got stolen, text (A3), 11 drawings under glass (various sizes), by Sara Cattin.
Oh no, I miss you bike! You were pink and fast and you brought me home so many times in Dear Amsterdam.
Once Giulia told me, about something I’d lost that wasn’t even half as important as what this bike was to me:
“Sara, if you lost it it’s because you don’t care (smiling like she never lost anything in her life).
It’s Karma!”